14 min read

Implenting Average Marginal Effects with Bayesian Ordinal Regression

The R package margins provides average marginal effects for any model developed with lm or glm, among others. However, margins does not work with brms. Jack O’Bailey developed two functions for brms here. There are two functions in this text file. The first function gets the average marginal effects for continuous independent variables. The second function get the average marginal effects for categorical variables. The link compares the results of the two functions with the margins command from the package margins. If you run the example, you can see that the results are remarkably similar.

Using the code above, this post attempts to recreate the functionality of the margins command from the margins package with ordinal logistic regression models.

The adapted function is below:

bayes_dydx_ordinal.factor <- function(model, data = NULL, variable, re_formula = NULL){
  # Get data from model where data = NULL
  if(is.null(data) == T){
    d <- model$data
  } else {
    d <- data

  # Get outcome from model
  resp <- model$formula$resp
  resp_ord <- model$formula$resp
  # Omit outcome from data
  d <-
    d %>%
  d <-
    d %>% 
    group_by_all() %>% 
    count(name = "w") %>% 

  # Get factor levels
  levs <- levels(as.factor(d[[variable]]))
  base <- levs[1L]
  cont <- levs[-1L]
  # Create empty list for fitted draws
  f <- list()
  # For each list add fitted draws
  for (i in seq_along(levs)){
    # Fix variable in each list to factor level
    d[[variable]] <- levs[i]
    f[[i]] <- 
      d %>% 
      add_fitted_draws(model = model,
                       re_formula = NULL,
                       value = "eff") %>% 
      ##### Need to include ordered within response variable
      group_by_at(vars(".draw", ".category")) %>% 
      #group_by_at(vars(".draw")) %>% 
        # eff = sum(eff),
        # w = sum(w),
        # eff_w_a = sum(eff*w),
        eff_w = sum(eff * w)/sum(w)) %>% 
      #dplyr::select(eff_w) %>% 
      #dplyr::select(eff_w, w, eff, eff_w_a) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
    # Compute contrast if not base level
    if (i > 1){
      f[[i]]$eff_w <- f[[i]]$eff_w - f[[1]][[2]] #### Change here because also included the order of response
    # # Rename column
    names(f[[i]]) <- c(paste0("Category", levs[i]), levs[i])
    #names(f[[i]]) <- levs[i]

  # Remove data frame
  d <- NULL
  # Create output object
  out <- do.call(cbind, f)

  # Return AMEs
  if (length(cont) == 1){
    out <- out %>% tibble() %>% select(1,cont)
    names(out)[2] <- "est"
    out %>% 
        var = variable,
        resp = cont
      ) %>% 
      dplyr::select(Category=1,var, resp, est)
  } else {
    out %>% 
      select(1, cont) %>% 
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -1 ,
                          names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") %>%
      rename(resp = variable, est = value,
             Category = 1)
} ### Close Function

The example uses the nhanes2 dataset, which is from the webuse package.

We next run the ordinal Bayesian model using brms. The code is below:

# Fit Bayesian model
bayes_ordinal <- brm(formula = health ~ female + black + age,
             prior = c(prior(normal( 0, 1), class = b)),
             data = nhanes2_a,
            warmup = 1000, 
            iter = 2000, 
             chains = 2,
             cores = 2)

AMEByVar = function(x,y) {
 ParedEst = bayes_dydx_ordinal.factor(bayes_ordinal , nhanes2_a, variable = x ) %>% 
    group_by(Category, resp) %>% 
    summarise(p50 = median(est)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    mutate(Var = x)

BayesAME = purrr::map(as.list(c("black", "female")), AMEByVar) %>% 

As a first step, we can compare the log odds ratios between the Bayesian model with normally distributed priors and the previous model with flat priors:

As we can see, the coefficients are of similar value.

Coefficient Comparison
term Bayesian Model Estimates Flat Prior Model Estimates
Estimate Q2.5 Q97.5 estimate conf.low conf.high
female1 -0.117 -0.189 -0.046 -0.117 -0.187 -0.047
black1 -0.882 -0.996 -0.771 -0.884 -0.999 -0.770
age -0.041 -0.043 -0.039 -0.041 -0.043 -0.039

We next use the adapted function bayes_dydx_ordinal.factor to compare the marginal effects.

Below we compare the marginal effects from the bayes_dydx_ordinal.factor function to the margins function. Importantly, there is no documentation on how margins works with ordinal regressions. There is great documentation here and a great technical paper, but neither covers ordinal regression.

Average Marginal Effects Comparison
Health Status Response Average Marginal Effects
poor black 0.073849996 0.073619320
poor female 0.007427055 0.007454756
fair black 0.073849996 0.092447854
fair female 0.007427055 0.011791804
average black 0.073849996 0.020653600
average female 0.007427055 0.006522333
good black 0.073849996 -0.067484024
good female 0.007427055 -0.006806429
excellent black 0.073849996 -0.119285137
excellent female 0.007427055 -0.018959347

As we can see the marginal effects from the margins package do not match bayes_dydx_ordinal.factor. However, the margins estimates do not vary by outcome level. They are very similar at the first level, where health status is equal to poor compared to the estimates from bayes_dydx_ordinal.factor, but vary considerably from the other outcomes.

Looking at STATA

STATA users seem to use average marginal effects more. This forum details the general process of average marginal (effects)[https://www.statalist.org/forums/forum/general-stata-discussion/general/1465336-ordered-probit-marginal-effects].

The basic idea is for each level of your dependent variable there should be a separate average marginal effect. The interpretation is then a one unit change in x is associated with a given probability of being in a category.

There is a paper that use the same nhanes2 dataset and provide average marginal effects by each outcome. The paper is here.

The third page provides the comparison. I put them into a table and compared them with the bayes_dydx_ordinal.factor. The paper only provides the average marginal effects for the independent variable black.

Average Marginal Effects Comparison - 2
Health Status AME p50
poor 0.074 0.074
fair 0.093 0.092
average 0.021 0.021
good -0.068 -0.067
excellent -0.120 -0.119

As we can see, our estimates line up with the estimates provided by Richard Williams’ paper discussed above.

Changes to the function:

There are very few changes to the original function:

The first change results from add_fitted_draws. When we use this function with an ordinal regression model, it adds a variable to the output. The variable is called .category which represents the levels of the dependent variable.

The change is simple:

  • From: group_by_at(vars( ".category"))
  • To: group_by_at(vars(".draw", ".category"))

This allows us to get a predicted draws from the data used to model.

 f[[i]] <- 
      d %>% 
      add_fitted_draws(model = model,
                       re_formula = NULL,
                       value = "eff") %>% 
      ##### Need to include ordered within response variable
      group_by_at(vars(".draw", ".category")) %>% 
      #group_by_at(vars(".draw")) %>% 
        # eff = sum(eff),
        # w = sum(w),
        # eff_w_a = sum(eff*w),
        eff_w = sum(eff * w)/sum(w)) %>% 
      #dplyr::select(eff_w) %>% 
      #dplyr::select(eff_w, w, eff, eff_w_a) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
    # Compute contrast if not base level
    if (i > 1){
      f[[i]]$eff_w <- f[[i]]$eff_w - f[[1]][[2]] #### Change here because also included the order of response

The contrast code also needs to change as the data.frame f[[1]] now has two columns. The first column represents the category of outcome variable.

There are other changes regarding the format of the final output, but they are simple small changes using dplyr.


The interpretation of the average marginal effects for an ordinal model, as discussed earlier is a one-unit change in the independent variable is associated with a x% change of being in a given category.